COMH 211 Course Calendar

COMH 211 – Intercultural Communication
Course Calendar Spring 2012

Week ZERO           Introductions, Course Guidelines, Preview of Course Format
January 19               & Syllabus

Week ONE                 Martin’s Communication Basics, Contracted Projects
January 23 to 27          Defining Culture, Space & Time
                                    Signed CONTRACT DUE Monday, 1/30
                                    Reading: Hall, Chapter 1, Time Talks

Week TWO                Cultural Vocabulary
January 30 to               Interaction, Association, Subsistence, Bisexuality,
February 3                   Territoriality,Temporality, Learning, Play, Defense,
                                    Reading: Hall, Chapter 2 & 3 pages 21-58
                                    In class small group presentations/discussion leaders

Week THREE           Cultural Vocabulary, continued
February 6 to 10          Contracted Project #1 Due Friday

Week FOUR              Family
February 13 to 17        Reading: Samovar, et al, Chapter 2
                                    Film: Bend it Like Beckham, selected scenes

Week FIVE                Worldviews: Life, Death, & Religion
February 22 to 24        Reading: Samovar, et al, Chapter 3
                                    No Class Monday February 21, President’s Day
                                    In class small group presentations/discussion leaders

Week SIX                   Worldviews, continued
February 27 to             Film Clips: The Milagro Beanfield War
March 3                       Contracted Project #2 Due Friday

Week SEVEN            Culture and the Individual
March 5 to 9                Identity, Values and Beliefs
                                    Reading: Samovar, et al, Chapter 4

Week EIGHT                        SPRING BREAK
March 12 to 16            No Classes Held                    

Week NINE               Words and Meanings
March 19 to 23            Language and Culture, Contextualizing
                                    Film: We Shall Remain, People of the Light
                                    Reading: Samovar, et al, Chapter 6
                                    Reading: Hall, The Dance of Life,
                                    Chapter 4 Provided by your Instructor
Week TEN                 Review
March 26 to 30            MID-TERM EXAM

Week ELEVEN        Introduction to APA citation formatting
April 2 to 6                  Library Visit with Research Instruction
                                    Overview of Semester Immersion Projects                        

Week TWELVE       Becoming Competent
April 9 to 13                Improving your Intercultural Communicating
                                    Reading: Samover, et al Chapter 11
                                    Contracted Project #3 Due Friday

Week THIRTEEN    Know Thyself, Gaining Empathy
April 16 to 20              In Class Exercise: Where I’m From
                                    Semester Project Consultations

Week FOURTEEN   Case Studies, Research Applied
April 23 to 27              Loosening the Grip
                                    Reading: Hall, Chapter 11 & Appendixes I, II, III
                                    Grading Conferences                                  

Week FIFTEEN        Facebook, Twitter, and Revolution
April 30 to May 4       Imagined Communities, Benedict Anderson
                                    Reading: Anderson, Provided by your Instructor
                                    Media that Matters Film Festival/Shift Happens
                                    Contracted Project #4 Due Friday

Week SIXTEEN       Review, Evaluations
May 7                          Last Day of Course

Semester Project Presentations will be scheduled during the exam period
Note: Your instructor reserves the right to alter or abbreviate this calendar and the course content as necessary.