Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Goffmann on Frames, fyi

Be sure you know how to apply this model to your understanding of Context per Hall.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Identities and their Dark Side

Identity Develops in three, and since Hall did his writing four distinct stages.

When you are a young child or infant you slowly become aware of your humanity, or personhood.  You learn that you are different from the dog or cat.

This could be labeled the Personal Stage.  In it you most often exercise pre-conventional morality to make decisions, (I, Me, Mine! kind of thinking).

Soon, children develop a Relational Identity.  I'm the child/They're the parents.  You play different roles and take on different identities based on the relationship you maintain with others.  So, Doctor/Patient, Teacher/Student, Father/Son, Friend/Friend*.

Later in life, but not much later, we adopt what Hall refers to as the Communal Identity (in the Samovar text!).  This identity is easily marked by the demographic classifications into which you may fall.  Male, Asian, Christian, Thai, College student, Athlete are some examples.  The degree to which you identify with this classifications is determined by your parents early in life, but, later on, by the degree to which they please you or feel right.

*Friendships are not as rigid as the other relational pairings.  How you behave and what is expected of you is ever-changing and in constant flux.  We may be closer to some friends this week and more distant from others next week.  Some acquaintances may become friends, some friends may become partners.  What is right is usually what is pleasing to the identity you maintain and the other's "fit" into your identity.

A fourth stage, unmentioned by Hall, is a Cyber Identity.  Hall didn't have access to internet.  This identity is completely based on who you want to be and may bear no resemblance to your 'real' self.  This freedom, afforded by technology, is new.  How often do cyber-identities vary from reality and to what degree?  Why is this so?

*Much like friendships, cyber-ships can be modified based on the degree of disclosure you wish to maintain with the other.  Think of the Manti Te'o situation or Catfishing in general.  There is GREAT flexibility in who you become in cyberspaces.

Identity as a concept can become stressed, if not over-stressed, in a multi-cultural nation such as ours.

Identity is a highly abstract, dynamic, multifaceted concept that defines who you are. Turner places the development of an identity into three broad categories, much as Hall does, but with different labels.

Stereotyping occurs when persons categorize experiences about another group of people and let those categorizations guide their behavior. Stereotypes refer to the behavioral norm of the whole group of people, not individual persons.

A prejudice is a strong feeling or attitude toward a particular social group or thing.

Racist persons believe that their race is superior to another race of people.

Ethnocentrism occurs when persons believe their culture is superior to other cultures.

Friday, March 15, 2013



I. Background Information

A. Confucianism has played a significant role in shaping the culture and history of millions of people. It influences the behavior in most Asian cultures as well as that of Asians living in non-Asian cultures. Its greatest influence has been seen in China. Even during the anti-religious period of communism, Confucian ideals were used to control the masses.

II. Defined
A. Confucianism is the ethical system of Confucius, emphasizing moral order, the humanity and virtue of China's ancient rulers, and gentlemanly education.[1]

B. Confucianism seeks to address issues such as chaos and lack of social order by means of virtue, ethics, ritual, etiquette, and through individuals being kind to one another.

C. Confucianism is much more a way of life than it is a form of religion. Therefore, it is permissible to follow Confucianism and other belief systems simultaneously. For example, contemporary followers of Confucianism hold beliefs and engage in rituals akin to Taoism and Buddhism.

III. Origin
A. The Man
1. Confucius (551-478 B.C.E), or “Master Kong”, was arguably the most influential individual in Asian history.

2. Born in the small feudal state of Lu, now the Shandong province in eastern China, Confucius followed several career paths during his early life, and held many government positions, but dedicated his life to teaching around the age of thirty.

3. His teachings were products of his observation of the political disintegration of the feudal order in China, which could be characterized by the dominance of various states over others, and by constant warfare. His observations prompted his assertion that government must be founded on virtue, and that all citizens must be attentive to the duties of their position. Taught his students to read the great Chinese classics. Confucius believed that society could not be held together when individuals haven’t read their classic texts, and don’t understand their culture’s history or traditions

4. Three thousand people studied under him, and over 70 became well-established scholars.

IV. Core Assumptions
A. People are basically good, and need only learn, by example, how to behave correctly. Confucius believed that this goodness is best realized through education, self-reflection, self-cultivation, and by behavior in agreement with one’s cultural norms.

B. Emphasizes a deep commitment to social harmony. Harmony meant fulfilling the familial and secular obligations needed to live and work together. Confucian ideology provides the framework in which both live in a benevolent relationship, emphasizing that people perceive themselves according to their social relationships and responsibilities as opposed to their individual beings.

Note: In Confucianism, one isn’t considered human as a result of one’s free will, but rather by socializing and through one’s social relationships.

V. Documentation of Teachings
A. The Analects
1. Confucius did not write down his philosophy, rather details of his teachings came down through his disciples.

2. The Analects, literally “discussion over Confucius’ words”, is the most influential of these collections.

3. The Analects were written over a period of fifty years and are comprised of twenty books. They teach basic Confucian values in the form of aphorisms, sayings, stories, and proverbs, which continue to significantly influence China and East Asian values, today.

VI. The Five Relationships and Reciprocity[2]

A. Ruler and subject (Benevolence in rulers, loyalty in ministers and subjects)
B. Father and son (Kindness in the father, filial piety in the son)
C. Husband and wife (Righteous behavior in the husband, obedience in the wife)
D. Oldest son and younger brothers (Gentility in the oldest son, humility and respect in the younger siblings)
E. Elders and juniors (Humane consideration in elders, deference in juniors)

VII. Considering Social Relationships in Culture (Ideals regarding Five Relationships)
A. Jen (humanism) – is related to the concept of reciprocity. It is the ideal relationship that should exist between individuals. Defines a basic relationship between individuals in a way that respects the moral integrity of the individual and his or her relations with others. People should strive for harmony in their interactions with others and avoid conflict, regardless of one’s status or personality.

B. Li (rites, properties, conventions) – Outward expression of good manners; doing the right thing at the right time. Has to do with “rules” of harmony that a person follows “in the home, the society, and the empire.”

C. Te (power) – Power employed for the betterment of all. Leaders must be persons of character, genuinely devoted to the common good and in possession of character that commands respect.

D. Wen (the arts) – Confucius saw the arts as a means of peace and as an instrument of moral education.

VIII. Confucianism and Communication
A. Confucianism teaches, both directly and indirectly, the notion of empathy. For example, Jen is often thought of as “the capacity to measure the feelings of other by one’s own.” [Interaction]

B. Status and Role Relationships – Confucius emphasized that social relationships should work without strife, and part of what allows social relationships to work is are defined status and role relationships. Such relationships influence language, for example, in the form of words conveying respect and rank. [Association]

C. Ritual and Protocol - Attentive performance of social ritual and everyday etiquette shapes human behavior in accordance with archetypal patterns. Ex. In Business, the Chinese have a preference for form and correct manners, which, the Chinese believe, will preserve harmony among the participants. [Interaction]

D. Use of Indirect (not direct) Language is Encouraged – Indirect communication is believed to help prevent the embarrassment of rejection by the other or disagreement among parties. This understanding stems from the Confucian legacy of concern for others and for proper social relationships. [Interaction]

IX. Notions About Death
A. Confucius was not interested in death or an afterlife. He presumably once asked, “If we are not yet able to serve man, how can we serve spiritual beings? If we do know about life, how can we know about death?” Confucius believed death came with dignity if persons had fulfilled their responsibilities to their family and society.

X. Is There A God?A. Recall that Confucianism is traditionally more a way of life than a religion. In Contemporary Confucianism, however, much is borrowed from Taoism and Buddhism, and Confucius has been given a god-like status
[1] Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Confucianism
[2] Source: http://faithresource.org/showcase/Confucianism/confucianismoverview.htm

WORLD RELIGIONS: Native American Spirituality

Native American religions are widely diverse due to being isolated from each other.

Most include:
1. An omnipresent force
2. An emphasis on the three life crises of birth, puberty, and death
3. Spirits
4. Visions
5. A shaman
6. Communal Ceremonies

A form of Panetheism - God is in everything; not an exact being separated from his subjects, but within every part of nature, life, and the universe itself. He is everywhere and in everything, not just watching from above.

Their God is often known as the "Great Spirit"
Strong emphasis on personal spirituality and one's inter-connectedness with the life around them.

Is not very "organized" or institutionalized, but is more personal and locally based. It's similar to Buddhism with a Creator. It is more the progression of a relationship between the Creator and the created; the "Great Spirit" and the peoples worshipping.

Religion is ever-present but never present in their lives. It is not something constantly discussed, there are no buildings to represent it, and there are no reserved days for worship.

They are constantly observing their religion and it is represented in every piece of nature from a rock to a single blade of grass to humans and animals. An excellent, generalized, example would be the Disney song "Colors of the Wind". Within the song, Pocahantas sings about how everything in life has a spirit and how John Smith needs to connect with nature. These are common beliefs of Native peoples.

There is no distinction between "God's realm", life, death,past, present, earth, the supernatural and the living. Everything exists on the same plane together in constant balance. However, there is the "spirit world" which can be interpreted as seeing the invisible that co-exists with the living.

Europeans attempted to squash Native American Spirituality upon their arrival and today many Native American traditions are blended versions of the traditions and Christianity.
Some of the religions managed to "rebirth" their culture, even while taking some aspects of Christianity.
One example is the "Dreamer Faith" or Waashat Religion, which came after the prophet Smohalla visited the spirit world and was sent back to urge his people to return to the old ways. The belief was that by casting off violence, materialism, white-American culture, and to stop disrespecting the earth would lead to the return of a pre-European environment where White-man was no longer present. The religion is based on the belief of dancing and worshipping. The Waashat Dance involves seven drummers, a salmon feast, eagle and swan feathers, and a sacred song sung every seventh day. The importance of the 7th day is a reflection of the Christian influence, though largely this religion made it difficult for the US government to assimilate the

Natives as they once again longed to be proper Indians and nothing else. This dancing was not the same as the ghost dances.

Similar was the Drum Religion of the Santee Sioux who played sacred drums as an important part of the rituals.

Ghost dances were an important part of several religions before they became a religion on their own. They were a way to honor the dead and predict their resurrections. It was a ritual that was part of religions such as the Earth Lodge, which used the dances as a means of prediction.

The Ghost Dance Religion came about from another "spirit world" visit, this time by Wovoka, who claimed he saw the world rid of the white man and restored to a pure state with the presence of the messiah. The influence by the Christian-Judaic tradition is obvious there. The dancing was seen as a way to connect with the dead and prepare for their resurrection upon the world's rebirth.

1. Interaction: Probably the most important aspect of their religion is in fact a PMS. They interact respectfully with all things in nature as part of their culture. Hall said "to interact with the environment is to be alive, and to fail to do so is to be dead" which reflects the overarching belief that the Great Spirit is in everything and everything is to be respected as such.

2. Association: There are prophets and shamans who are religious leaders, but there is no real sense of "hierarchy" within the religion, anyone can connect with the Great Spirit, which is actually encouraged.

3. Subsistence: They respect the Earth and don't take advantage of what's given to them, taking only what they need and making sure to replenish what they can. They survive on the bare essentials.

4. Bisexuality: Originally, woman had equal power as men. In modernization and Western-influence, they've lost almost all of their previous respect and prestige.

5. Territoriality: They don't believe in owning the Earth, it is a gift from the Great Spirit and part of the Great Spirit himself. They were, traditionally, nomadic people, and never truly settled in one specific place, but always on the move. Territory is irrelevant to them, though many of their peoples were slaughter over it.

6. Temporality: They experience life in three stages, birth, puberty, and death. Day to day isn't so important as the stages of their lives.

7. Learning: Many of the religions that exist today are revitalizations of the old ways, to teach their peoples what it meant to be "Indians" again. Their traditions were passed on by mouth, dance, song, and other similar traditions.

8. Play: Their form of worship can be seen as a type of play. They would dance, play drums, and sing are their way of honoring and connecting to their spirits and the Great Spirit.

9. Defense: They didn't believe in owning territory so there isn't much for them to defend. They defended their ways of life by revitalizing their old ways, incorporated in their culture which is also their religion. Ghost dancing can be seen as a means of defense as it was a way for them to predict what would happen; they believed that the Great Spirit would rid the world of white man as long the Natives were deserving.

10. Exploitation: They take only what they need. They adapted to a hunter-gather life style in their roots because they believed in not taking advantage of the earth and ruining it. They took what they needed and left the rest for the other animals.


Created by L. Ron Hubbard as a successor to his earlier self-help system called dianetics.
Dianetics was used as a counseling technique known as auditing which was developed by Hubbard to enable conscious recall of traumatic events in one's life.
Hubbard at first hoped to get dianetics accepted in the medical field but it was met with strong skepticism despite releasing a best selling book to back it up.
It was Hubbard's belief in reincarnation that ultimately lead to the formation of Scientology as a religion. Some followers reported experiences or dreams they believed had occurred in past lives, Hubbard took these accounts seriously and questioned the existence of the soul.
It wasn't until 1993 that the group received the unanimous tax exempt status they had desired for roughly four decades.
Scientology: Scio (Latin) "knowing, in the fullest sense of the word," logos (Greek) "study of." Thus Scientology means "knowing how to know."
A certain understanding of one’s true spiritual nature and one’s relationship to self, family, groups, Mankind, all life forms, the material universe, the spiritual universe and the Supreme Being.
Scientology further holds Man to be basically good, and that is spiritual salvation depends upon himself, his fellows, and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe.
The Eight Dynamics
Self - Survive as an individual
Creativity - Contains the family unit and raising children
Group Survival - Community, friends, a company and state
Species - Need to survive as men and women
Life Norms - Help life forms i.e. animals, birds, insects etc.
Physical Universe - Matter, energy, space and time
Spiritual Dynamic - Spiritual identity
Infinity - Commonly called God, the Supreme Being or Creator
Humans are immortal aliens i.e. extraterrestrial spiritual beings, termed a “Thetan” who is trapped on Earth in a physical body. Reincarnation – “to be born again in different life forms”.
Greater spiritual awareness by 2 methods: Auditing and Training. Progression from level to level is often “The Bridge of Total Freedom”
The Process:
You are audited which is basically a introductory counseling session, through this process it is believed people can discover and solve their inner problems, it is also somewhat related to a confession. An E-Meter is used to measure electrical resistance in the body and locate issues.
The Bridge To Total Freedom:
This is the process of learning the beliefs of Scientology, each session costs money and this bridge is a very large one to cross so the rate at which one moves across is governed by their financial situation.
Operating Level III: The Story Of Xenu:
Proceed with caution as it is believed within Scientology that reading the following story will cause Pneumonia to those who read and those who hear this story without the proper training. To reach this story one must go through expensive hours of counseling and reached a clear state of mind.
Xenu according to L. Ron Hubbard was the dictator of a Galactic Confederation of planets who 75 million years ago, brought billions of his people in DC-8 like spacecraft, then stacked them around volcanoes and killed them all using hydrogen bombs. The souls were set free into the air however Xenu planned for this and captured the souls in a massive electronic ribbon.
The souls were incarcerated in Xenu's desperate effort to reduce the population on the crowded planet. These billions of citizens were brought together under the impression they were attending income tax inspections. Then trapped in paralyzing gel and loaded on the spacecraft now headed towards Earth.
The now imprisoned souls were taken to a type of cinema and forced to watch super colossal motion pictures for 36 days as a form of re-education. After the new beliefs were instilled the now confused souls which have lost the ability to differentiate from each other found survivors and inhabited them, those early humans were known as "body-thetans."
These Thetans still cling to our souls today and it is up to us to cleanse our souls of them. Xenu has since been overthrown by a faction known as the Loyal Officers and allegedly imprisoned within an electric mountain top, the locations is not entirely know but has been debated about it being on Earth, or more commonly known as "Teegeeack" within the Confederation. Earth Is looked at as a prison planet within the confederation and we are the prisoners trapped here with the souls of the deceived.
Scientology today:
Scientology today has roughly 10,000 churches and missions though out the world according to scientology.org, though numbers have decreased over the years, there is still a strong core of die hard followers to this day despite many coming forward speaking of mental and physical abuse they experienced while being associated with the church.
Scientologists believe strongly in reincarnation, death is celebrated because the soul doesn't die it finds a new body to reside in.



· Unique among the world religions in that it has no founder or date of origin.
· Simply the religion of the people of India.
· Has no definite starting point
· History is closely related to social and political developments of India
· Most historical theories agree that Hinduism dates back to when the Aryan Indo-European tribes invaded northern India—as the Aryans started mixing with natives, they started sharing customs, traditions, rituals, beliefs and myths.
· It is marked by the composition of orally transmitted sacred texts expressing what we know now about Hinduism.
Sacred Text –
There is no sacred text just an “authority”
· Ramayana and Mahabharata – Epic Poems
· The Vedas
o Means Knowledge
o Four Collections of ritual Materials
o Guidelines
· Bhagavad-Gita is a lengthy poem of dialogue
o “Teaches how to achieve union with the supreme Reality through the paths of knowledge, devotion, selfless work, and meditation.”
o One of the most important characteristics of the text is that it reinforces the very core of Hinduism: that God is an exalted, inspiring, and sublime force within us. Because God is within us, say the Hindus, we can rise above our mortal limitations and be liberated.
o Three paths that lead to liberation:
§ (1) The discipline of knowledge, jnana-yoga,
§ (2) The discipline of action, karma-yoga,
§ (3) The discipline of devotion, bhakti-yoga
Core Assumptions
· Divine in everything
o “Teaches that God is within each being and object in the universe and transcends every being and object, that the essence of each soul is divine, and that the purpose of life is to become aware of that divine essence.”
· Ultimate Reality
o Hindus believe that finding satisfaction in the material and physical world (the Western notion of reality) might gratify you temporarily, but eventually the satisfaction of that world will “wear out.” To experience true happiness, bliss, or liberation (what the Hindus call nirvana), one needs to discover the spiritual existence found outside traditional concepts of reality.
· Discovery of Self
o Outward expression is secondary to inward realization
o For Hindus, nirvana is also a type of emancipation from all suffering within the human condition.
o Karma
· Multiple Paths
o “Religion which offers many beliefs and practices to all comers.”319

Cultural Manifestations
· Complete way of life
1. It pervades every part of a person’s life.
2. It is more a culture than a creed
3. People engage in festivals and rites
4. Temples are the place for worship but the daily activity is what matter the most because they reflect Hindu practices as an important and integral part of life.
· Dharma
1. Virtue = refers to actions characterized by consideration of righteousness and duty.
2. It provides people guidance on how to behave, perform their vocational obligations and act during their life cycles.
3. Pertains to both religious and communal responsibilities= universal norm
4. If someone goes against it => bad karma
· Four stages of life
1. Student
2. Householder
3. Forest dweller
4. Ascetic
Notions About Death
“Hindus believe in the immortality of the soul and in reincarnation.”
· Since death is inevitable it should not be the cause of extended sorrow.
· The true dimension of the individual does not actually die but rather takes on a new body. The reason for this Hindu belief is that “the Eternal Self (atman) is birthless and deathless, and cannot be destroyed.”
· Third, if a person is ever able to experience the Eternal Self in a particular lifetime because of good karma, there will be no need to be reborn since he or she will have realized Brahman (the absolute and supreme reality)

Cast System
Cast system decides a person’s social status by his/her birth. It is divided in four classes:
1. Brahmin: highest-revered society in Hinduism who by birth rights can perform all the rituals and become priest of a temple or do teaching or any scholarly jobs.
2. Kshatriya: second highest-revered community status. They are the protectors, they keep law and order.
3. Vaishya: trading community
4. Shudra: lowest class status. They involve in physical labor such as cleaning, pottery and carpentry.
· Like Buddhists, Hindus believe that food affects both body and mind.
· Food is considered to be a source of the body’s chemistry, which affects one’s consciousness and emotions.
· A proper diet is considered vital for spiritual development in Hinduism.
· The Hindu diet code divides food into three categories, based on the food’s effect on the body and the temperament:
· Tamasic (heavy) food is leftover, stale, overripe, spoiled or other impure food, which is believed to produce negative emotions, such as anger, jealousy and greed.
· Rajasic (expanding) is food that is believed to produce strong emotional qualities, passions and restlessness in the mind. This category includes meat, eggs, fish, spices, onions, garlic, hot peppers, pickles and other pungent or spicy foods.
· The most desirable type of food, Sattvic (ascending), is food that is non-irritating to the stomach and purifying to the mind; it includes fruits, nuts, whole grains and vegetables. These foods are believed to produce calmness and nobility, or what is known as an “increase in one’s magnetism.”


What is Buddhism?
Ø 5th largest religion in the world
o Religion of about 300 million people around the world
Ø Word comes from “Bhudi”--- “to awaken”
Ø Origins about 2,500 years ago
o When Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) was himself awaken (enlighten) at the age of 35.
o Older than Christianity and Slam
o Founded in 563 B.C
o Began to spread round 230 B.C:
§ Siri Lanka (Ceylon)
§ 600- 700 A.D- South Asia, China, Korea
§ 6th Century- Japan
Ø There are different types of Buddhism:
§ Therevada, Mahayana, Zen, Pure Land, Vajrayana, Tibetan
· Why are there different types of Buddhism?
o Because each country establishes their belief system to what the Buddha offered.
Buddhism a Religion?
Ø Is more of a philosophy than a way of life
Ø Buddhist path can be summed up as:
o Lead a Moral Life
o Be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions
o Develop wisdom and understanding
Ø Buddhism explain a purpose of life
o Explain apparent in justice and inequality around the world
o Provides a code of practice that lead to true happiness.
Ø Buddha was not a God
o He considered himself a man who taught a path to enlightenment from his own experience
o The buddha’s image is respected but not in worship nor to ask for favors.
o Buddhism is more of an understanding than Faith
o Buddhism was summed up into 4 noble of truths and the noble eight path
Ø Buddha taught that all individuals have the potential to seek the truth on their own.
Ø Buddha teaches that an individual to seek the truth on their own
Ø An individual have the power to liberate themselves from bondage through his own personal efforts and intelligence
o Our salvation from suffering lies only in our own efforts
o This is difficult to understand for the western religion because they stress community and direction from the clergy

Ø Buddhism challenge individuals to do their own religious seeking
Ø “Buddhism deals more with humanism and the arts of living daily life than with supernatural authority or metaphysical Conjectures” (pg.141)
Ø “Buddha made no cosmic speculations about heaven and hell, death, or how the world was created--- instead he offered his followers a way to understand and cope with their present existence.” (p. 141)
4 Noble Truth
Ø The core of belief, and practice every type of Buddhism adhere
Ø Each one flows after the other
o 1st noble truth: (Dukkha)
§ Life is suffering
§ “birth is suffering, aging is suffering, craving is suffering, envy is suffering” (p. 141-132)
o 2nd Noble of truth: (tanha)
§ Concerns with the origin of suffering
§ Suffering that is caused by craving, self-desire, envy, greed, ignorance
· Could also come from seeking great wealth and Status
§ By developing the mind, thinking carefully and meditation--- will help to get rid of suffering, reach happiness, and Enlightenment.
o 3rd Noble of truth:
§ Refer to as the end of suffering
· By removing the unhappiness caused by craving. Seeing clearly the truth of yourself and lack of permanent self—can put an end to the suffering.
· Getting rid of suffering is possible.
o 4th Nonle of truth
§ “The remedy” (accomplished by following the eight fold path
§ By following this path, you not only remove suffering but can also achieve nirvana.
§ NIRVANA: the perfect, peaceful, and enlighten state of transformed consciousness in which passion and ignorance extinguish.
· Freedom of unhappiness

4 Noble of truth: Deals with the 4 symptoms that creates unhappiness and suffering

Eight fold Path: Is the antidote—Are seen as steps that are fuse together, learned, practiced simultaneously.

1. Right View
2. Right Intention
3. Right Speech
Ethical Conduct
4. Right Action
5. Right Livelihood
6. Right Effort
Mental Development
7. Right Mindfulness
8. Right Concentration
Eightfold path:
1st - Right View: the beginning and the end of the path, it simply means to see and to understand things as they really are and to realize the Four Noble Truth
2nd -Right Intention: commitment to ethical and mental self-improvement. Buddha distinguishes three types of right intentions: 1. the intention of renunciation, which means resistance to the pull of desire
2. the intention of good will, meaning resistance to feelings of anger and aversion.

3. the intention of harmlessness, meaning not to think or act cruelly, violently, or aggressively, and to develop compassion.
3rd- Right Speech: (Samma Vaca): Right speech is the first principle of ethical conduct in the eightfold path. Ethical conduct is viewed as a guideline to moral discipline, which supports the other principles of the path. words can break or save lives, make enemies or friends, start war or create peace. Buddha explained right speech as follows: 1. to abstain from false speech, especially not to tell deliberate lies and not to speak deceitfully, 2. to abstain from slanderous speech and not to use words maliciously against others, 3. to abstain from harsh words that offend or hurt others, and 4. to abstain from idle chatter that lacks purpose or depth. Positively phrased, this means to tell the truth, to speak friendly, warm, and gently and to talk only when necessary
4th -Right Action--- The second ethical principle, right action, involves the body as natural means of expression, as it refers to deeds that involve bodily actions. Unwholesome actions lead to unsound states of mind, while wholesome actions lead to sound states of mind.
5th-Right Livelihood--- Right livelihood means that one should earn one's living in a righteous way and that wealth should be gained legally and peacefully---- 1. dealing in weapons, 2. dealing in living beings (including raising animals for slaughter as well as slave trade and prostitution), 3. working in meat production and butchery, and 4. selling intoxicants and poisons, such as alcohol and drugs. Furthermore any other occupation that would violate the principles of right speech and right action should be avoided.
6th-Right Effort--- Without effort, which is in itself an act of will, nothing can be achieved, whereas misguided effort distracts the mind from its task, and confusion will be the consequence.
7th - Right Mindfulness--- It is the mental ability to see things as they are, with clear consciousness
8th- Right Concentration---The eighth principle of the path, right concentration, refers to the development of a mental force that occurs in natural consciousness, the Buddhist method of choice to develop right concentration is through the practice of meditation.

Ø People make choices, and those choices have consequences.
Ø People have the potential to change their own karma.
o Hence the Buddha rejects the notion of divination and appealing to a higher source of good Karma
o Good Deeds- Good Rebirth Reincarnation
o Bad Deeds – Bad Rebirth
Notion of Death:
Ø Death = Karma
Ø A person can be born in different times and forms

Primary Message System:
Ø when it comes to the interaction with others---- because of the eightfold path, they are very careful with what they say, how they interact, and only talk the necessary. (not every Buddhist--- it is important to understand that every Buddhist is different, they come from different countries therefore different backgrounds, cultures--- there are also different types of Buddhism).
Ø Keep a lot to themselves---- lot of meditation

Ø They Follow “5 contemplations while eating”
§ What
§ Why
§ Where
§ When
§ How
o If you fail to follow it, it will harm others, and nature you might ruin the chance to born human again
Ø Ingredients forbidden:
o Meat, fish, onion, garlic (known as the 5 Pungent spices)
Ø So Buddhist are Vegan
Ø Buddha recommended to avoid eating the following meat:
o Humans, elephants, horses, dogs, snakes, lions, tigers, hyenas.
Ø Monks fast at new moon and full moon each lunar month.
Ø Avoid eating any solid food after noon (means of purification)
Ø Will eat any food given to them as offering
Ø Some will eat any meat as long as they did not kill the animal themselves.
Ø Buddhist are detach of everything.
Ø There has never been a war caused by Buddhist for possessions.
Ø Everything is temporary. We do not owe anything.
Gender Roles:
Ø Accept the biological and physical differences between the two sexes
Ø Considers men and woman equal usual to society
Ø Women: Wife, Good Mother--- (making family life a success)
Ø Husband/wife--- expected to share equal responsibility when discharge their duties with equal decision.
Ø Daughters are good as sons
Ø A man has to consider women as friends, companion, and a partner.
Ø Women should substitute men when they were not around.
Ø Women should be involved in the business
Ø Wife occupies same position as husband
Ø Does not restrict Buddhist education from women.
Buddhist New Year:
Ø 1st full moon in January
Ø In other places such as Thailand siri lanka- 1st fool moon in April.
Ø Tend to celebrate the Buddha’s birthday, enlightenment, death (Vesak)

WORLD RELIGIONS: Atheism, Secularism, Paganism

The word atheism comes from the
negative a which means ‘no,’ and theos which means ‘god.’ Hence,
atheism in the most basic terms means ‘no god.’ Basically, atheism is the
lack of belief in a god, and/or the belief that there is no god
Atheists state that there is no evidence that there
is a god. Just lacking belief in Gods is often
referred to as the "weak atheist" position; whereas believing that
gods do not (or cannot) exist is known as "strong atheism." "Weak atheism" is simple
skepticism; disbelief in the existence of God. "Strong atheism" is an
explicitly held belief that God does not exist. Do not fall into the trap of
assuming that all atheists are "strong atheists.” They do not believe in heaven
and hell nor do they believe in life after death.
Some atheists consider atheism is a
religion. They believe that the book for their religion is the universe.
Everything that should be known about life and our origin can be found by
exploring and studying the universe.


The term "secularism" was
first used by the British writer George Jacob Holyoake in 1851. Secular means not connected to
religion. Therefore, secularism is the philosophy that states that countries
should not be governed under religious beliefs. Constitutional Secularism
doesn’t give special treatment to any views about religion. No religious
group should impose religious law on society.

Public Law

NOT Religious Law

No religious test for Public office

Politicians must have the 'right'

Education in science for everyone

Schools are for promoting one 'true'

Anyone can go to any church they like

States decide which churches get

Public services for citizens based
on need

Public services come with proselytizing

Legal proceedings have no religious

Law buildings display religious creeds

Medical services for medical conditions

Medical services depend on 'moral' choices

Public events treat all participants equally

Public events include religious

Constitutional Secularism promises full
and equal citizenship for everyone. Secularism protects personal
religious belief. Secularism is NOT about the government imposing
anti-religion. Secularism is the only way to defend against religious


Any of various religions other than Christianity or Judaism or
Paganism is a religion of nature, in other words Pagans revere
Nature. Pagans see the divine as immanent in the whole of life and the universe
Paganism is a spiritual way of life which has its roots in the
ancient nature religions of the world. It is principally rooted in the old
religions of Europe, though some adherents also find great worth in the
indigenous beliefs of other countries. Such belief in the sacredness of all
things can be found world-wide. Pagans see this as their heritage, and retain
the beliefs and values of their ancestors in forms adapted to suit modern life.
We celebrate the sanctity of Nature, revering the Divine in all things; the
vast, unknowable spirit that runs through the universe, both seen and unseen
the patriarchal religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) the divine is female
as well as male and therefore there is a Goddess as well as a God. These
deities are within us as well as without us (immanent); they are us.
They are not simply substitutes for the Muslim or Judeo-Christian God. This is
because the Gods of the major religions tend to be super-natural i.e. above
nature whereas Pagan deities are natural, symbolizing aspects of nature or
human nature. Having said that God and Goddess are split from the Great Spirit
or Akashka which probably equates to the God of the patriarchal religions
Goddess represents all that is female and the God represents all that is male.
But because nature is seen as female the Goddess has a wider meaning. Often
called Mother Earth or Gaia she is seen as the creatrix and sustainer of life,
the mother of us all which makes all the creatures on the planet our siblings.
are sub-groups of named Gods and Goddesses called Pantheons, drawn from the
distant past, for example Isis and Osiris from Egypt or Thor, Odin, Freya et al
from Norse religion and mythology. Ancient Pagans would have worshipped one or
a small number of Gods and Goddesses, whilst often recognizing the validity of
other people's deities. The concept of an overall, un-named Goddess and God,
the sum totals of all the others, appears to be a recent one but individual
named deities represent particular human qualities or archetypes and are often
used as a focus for celebrations and spiritual rites.
has developed alongside mankind for thousands of years; as cultures have
changed so has Paganism, yet it is grounded in deep rooted genetic memories
that go back to neolithic times and before. Thus Paganism is not just a nature
religion but a natural religion.
Pagans believe in reincarnation in some form. It gives Pagans a substantially
different view of life. Early Christians saw Karma as a kind of treadmill,
trapping people in endless reincarnations, never free. But Pagans see
reincarnation as, at best, a chance to improve or to continue unfinished work,
and at worst just a simple re-cycling of souls